Aerators untuk fasilitas medis
Bekerja sama dengan BZH GmbH (Pusat Konsultasi Jerman untuk Epidemiologi Rumah Sakit dan Pengendalian Infeksi) di Freiburg / Breisgau, Neoperl GmbH di Müllheim telah menghabiskan beberapa tahun melakukan berbagai uji laboratorium di Institut Kebersihan dan Distrik Fraunhofer untuk Toksikologi dan Kedokteran Eksperimental ( ITEM) di Hannover, serta melakukan penelitian sastra.
Pada Juni 2016, BZH menyusun laporan ahli tentang masalah aerator di titik-titik outlet air di fasilitas medis, dengan mempertimbangkan hasil tes laboratorium.
Berdasarkan laporan ahli dari BZH, Neoperl Group mengeluarkan rekomendasi berikut untuk aerator di fasilitas medis (rumah sakit / panti jompo)
1. Di fasilitas medis, aerator membantu mencegah air tidak sengaja mendarat di permukaan dan percikan. Ini berarti Aerator Clinic mengurangi risiko patogen yang ditularkan.
2. Meskipun laporan ahli menunjukkan bahwa aerator ventilasi tradisional tidak menghadirkan risiko infeksi yang secara signifikan lebih tinggi melalui patogen yang dapat dihirup, kami merekomendasikan penggunaan aerator aliran laminar. Ini hampir sepenuhnya mencegah asupan dan distribusi partikel aerosol yang terkontaminasi.
3. Berbagai faktor lingkungan dalam fasilitas medis dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan biofilm pada aerator. Karena itu kami menyarankan untuk menggantinya secara teratur. Seberapa sering aerator harus diganti tergantung pada fasilitas medis individu, tetapi sistem kode warna Neoperl dapat membantu mengingatkan staf ketika tiba saatnya untuk penggantian.
Aerator Klinik dikembangkan berdasarkan tiga faktor ini.

Aerators for medical facilities
Working together with BZH GmbH (German Consulting Centre for Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control) in Freiburg/Breisgau, Neoperl GmbH in Müllheim has spent several years conducting various laboratory tests at the Ruhr District Institute of Hygiene and the Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine (ITEM) in Hannover, as well as carrying out literary research.
In June 2016, the BZH compiled an expert report on the subject of aerators in water outlet points in medical facilities, taking into account the results of the laboratory tests.
Based on the expert report from the BZH, the Neoperl Group issues the following recommendations for aerators in medical facilities (hospitals/ nursing homes)
1. In medical facilities, aerators help to prevent water unintentionally landing on surfaces and splashing. This means they reduce the risk of pathogens being transmitted.
2. Although the expert report shows that traditional vented aerators do not present a significantly higher risk of infection through inhalable pathogens, we recommend using laminar flow aerators. These almost completely prevent the intake and distribution of contaminated aerosol particles.
3. Various environmental factors in a medical facility can lead to biofilm growth on an aerator. We therefore recommend replacing them regularly. Exactly how often the aerators should be replaced is up to the individual medical facility, but Neoperl’s colour coding system can help to remind staff when it is time for a replacement.
The Clinic aerators were developed based on these three factors.